
The Relevance of Podcasting in Modern Marketing

The word “podcast” has become commonplace in recent years. Once the domain of radio broadcasters and amateur enthusiasts, podcasting is now a widespread phenomenon with over 200 million monthly listeners in the US and an estimated 1.3 billion listeners worldwide. Even after so many people have become aware of podcasting, the medium remains niche and underutilized as a marketing channel. Many brands still struggle to see how podcasting benefits their business rather than viewing it as just another on-demand audio service that requires time investment without a tangible return. But with statistics like these, it’s hard to argue against the growing importance of podcasting as part of modern marketing.



What is Podcasting?

A podcast is basically a series of audio, video, or written episodes that are distributed online via syndication or download. There are many different types of podcasts, but most fall into one of two categories: – Audio-only (mono) podcasts – These are basically like radio shows, delivered via streaming or download. – Audio/video (stereo) podcasts – These are more like TV shows, with visuals and audio working together to tell a story. Podcasts are a great way to share information and build an audience. You can create podcasts about your company, your products, or your industry as a whole.


Why Does Podcasting Matter in Marketing?

Podcasts are great for building an authentic brand – Humans are able to recall 90% of what they hear, but only 10% of what they read. Podcasts allow you to engage with your audience on an emotional level, which is an essential component of modern branding. Podcasts help you build authority. The average American spends 10 hours a week listening to podcasts, which equates to over 1 billion hours of listening per month. This makes podcasts a great way to build your own authority and share your expertise with a large number of people. Podcasts are highly shareable.

According to Edison Research, over 70% of Americans have listened to a podcast, and the average podcast listener shares 6 episodes per month. This makes podcasts a great way to spread your message to a large audience, with minimal effort on your part. Podcasts are accessible Podcasts are available to everyone, no matter their income, age, or location. This makes them a great way to reach a diverse audience in a way that other media simply can’t replicate.


How to Market with Podcasts

Podcasting is a multi-faceted marketing channel that can be used to promote your brand, drive leads, and increase your sales. Here are some ways you can put podcasting to work for your business:

● Create a “house” podcast – By creating a podcast that focuses on your products, services, and/or brand, you can easily drive new customers to your website via each episode’s show notes.

● Create a “hosted” podcast – As a means of generating leads, “hosted” podcasts allow you to book interviews with relevant guests who can share their expertise with your audience.

● Run a podcast contest – Building on the previous two points, a contest can be a great way to generate excitement around your podcast and drive engagement from your audience.

● Guest appearances – Getting other relevant businesses to appear on your podcast can be a great way to increase your exposure to a new audience.


The Importance of Audio in Marketing

Audio is one of the most personal forms of communication, and the intimacy involved in its consumption is unique among marketing channels. By creating a podcast for your business, you’re creating a space where your customers can consume your content in a manner that’s both engaging and easy to digest. Podcasting has become a go-to marketing tactic for many brands, and the return on investment associated with the medium is clear. By investing in podcasting, you have the opportunity to reach a huge audience with minimal effort, while also standing out from your competitors as a truly authentic brand.


3 Key Takeaways

Podcasting has become an important part of modern marketing, and the benefits associated with the medium are clear. Audio is one of the most personal forms of communication, and the intimacy of audio consumption makes it a great choice for brands looking to engage with their customers on a personal level. By creating a podcast for your business, you have the opportunity to reach a huge audience with minimal effort, while also standing out from your competitors as a truly authentic brand.

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